Find trends in data - MATLAB trenddecomp (2024)

Find trends in data

Since R2021b

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    LT = trenddecomp(A)

    LT = trenddecomp(A,"ssa",lag)

    LT = trenddecomp(___,NumSeasonal=n)

    LT = trenddecomp(A,"stl",period)

    [LT,ST,R] = trenddecomp(___)

    D = trenddecomp(T)

    D = trenddecomp(T,"ssa",lag)

    D = trenddecomp(T,___,NumSeasonal=n)

    D = trenddecomp(T,"stl",period)



    LT = trenddecomp(A) finds trends in a vector of data using singular spectrum analysis (SSA), which assumes an additive decomposition of the data such that A = LT+ST+R. In this decomposition, LT is the long-term trend in the data, ST is the seasonal, or oscillatory, trend (or trends), and R is the remainder. LT is a vector with the same length as A.

    SSA is a useful algorithm when the periods of the seasonal trends are unknown. The SSA algorithm assumes that the input data is uniformly spaced.

    You can use trenddecomp functionality interactively by adding the Find and Remove Trends task to a live script.

    LT = trenddecomp(A,"ssa",lag) also uses the SSA algorithm to find trends in A and additionally specifies a lag value, which determines the size of the matrix on which the singular value decomposition is computed, as described in [1]. Larger values of lag typically result in more separation of the trends.

    The value of lag must be a scalar in the interval [3,N/2] where N is the length of A. If the period of the seasonal trend is known, then specify lag as a multiple of the period.

    LT = trenddecomp(___,NumSeasonal=n) specifies the number of seasonal trends to return, using any of the input argument combinations in the previous syntaxes.

    LT = trenddecomp(A,"stl",period) finds the trends in A through seasonal trend decomposition using Loess (STL), which is an additive decomposition based on a locally weighted regression, as described in [2]. STL requires a period for the seasonal trend. When the data has only one seasonal trend, specify period as a scalar value. For multiple seasonal trends, specify period as a vector whose elements are the periods for each seasonal trend.

    The STL algorithm assumes that the input data is uniformly spaced.


    [LT,ST,R] = trenddecomp(___) also returns the seasonal trends and the remainder from the decomposition. The lengths of ST and R match the length of the input vector A. When A contains multiple seasonal trends, ST is a matrix whose columns contain each seasonal trend.

    D = trenddecomp(T) finds trends in a table or timetable of data using SSA. trenddecomp operates on each table variable separately. D is a table or timetable whose variables contain the long-term trend, seasonal trends, and remainder for each variable. trenddecomp returns multiple seasonal trends as one variable in D, whose columns contain each seasonal trend.

    D = trenddecomp(T,___,NumSeasonal=n) specifies the number of seasonal trends when you use SSA on table or timetable data, and applies the number to each table variable.


    D = trenddecomp(T,"stl",period) finds trends using STL with the specified seasonal trend periods. trenddecomp applies the periods to each table variable.


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    Compute Long-Term Trend in Vector of Data Using SSA

    Open Live Script

    Compute the long-term trend in a vector of data using singular spectrum analysis.

    Create a vector of data A that contains a long-term trend, seasonal trend, and noise component.

    t = (0:20)';A = 3*sin(t) + t + 0.1*rand(21,1);

    Compute the long-term trend. Plot the data and the long-term trend.

    LT = trenddecomp(A);plot(t,A,t,LT)legend("Data","Long-term")

    Find trends in data - MATLAB trenddecomp (1)

    Decompose Vector of Data Using SSA

    Open Live Script

    Decompose a vector of data into its long-term trend, two seasonal trends, and remainder using singular spectrum analysis.

    Create a vector of data A that contains a long-term trend, two seasonal trends with different periods, and a noise component.

    t = (1:200)';trend = 0.001*(t-100).^2;period1 = 20;period2 = 30;seasonal1 = 2*sin(2*pi*t/period1);seasonal2 = 0.75*sin(2*pi*t/period2);noise = 2*(rand(200,1) - 0.5);A = trend + seasonal1 + seasonal2 + noise;

    Decompose the data using the SSA algorithm. Plot the data, the trends, and the remainder.

    [LT,ST,R] = trenddecomp(A);plot([A LT ST R]);legend("Data","Long-term","Seasonal1","Seasonal2","Remainder")

    Find trends in data - MATLAB trenddecomp (2)

    Decompose Table Data Using STL

    Decompose tabular data into its long-term trend, two seasonal trends, and remainder using the STL algorithm.

    Create a table T whose variable data contains a long-term trend, two seasonal trends with different periods, and a noise component.

    t = (1:200)';trend = 0.001*(t-100).^2;period1 = 20;period2 = 30;seasonal1 = 2*sin(2*pi*t/period1);seasonal2 = 0.75*sin(2*pi*t/period2);noise = 2*(rand(200,1) - 0.5);data = trend + seasonal1 + seasonal2 + noise;T = table(data)
    T=200×1 table data ______ 11.204 11.896 10.722 12.502 11.939 10.646 10.57 10.479 10.527 9.6793 7.1756 7.9505 7.1704 5.6206 5.8256 4.2817 ⋮

    Decompose the data using the STL algorithm. Plot the data, trends, and remainder.

    D = trenddecomp(T,"stl",[20 30]);D = addvars(D,data);stackedplot(D)xlabel("t")

    Find trends in data - MATLAB trenddecomp (3)

    Input Arguments

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    AInput array
    numeric vector

    Input array, specified as a numeric vector.

    Data Types: single | double

    lagLag value for SSA
    numeric scalar

    Lag value for SSA, specified as a numeric scalar in the interval [3,N/2] where N is the length of the input data. Larger values of lag typically provide more separation of the trends. If the period is known, then specify lag as a multiple of the period.

    nNumber of seasonal trends for SSA
    integer scalar

    Number of seasonal trends for SSA, specified as an integer scalar larger than 0.

    periodPeriod for STL
    numeric scalar | numeric vector | duration scalar | duration vector

    Period for STL, specified as a numeric scalar, numeric vector, duration scalar, or duration vector. When the data has one seasonal trend, specify period as a scalar. When the data has multiple seasonal trends, specify period as a vector whose elements are the periods for each seasonal trend. period can have type duration for timetable input data only.

    TTabular input data
    table | timetable

    Tabular input data, specified as a table or timetable. trenddecomp operates on each table variable separately. Timetables must be uniformly spaced.

    Output Arguments

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    LT — Long-term trend

    Long-term trend, returned as a vector with the same length as the input vector.

    ST — Seasonal trend
    vector | matrix

    Seasonal trend, returned as a vector or matrix. ST is a vector when the data has one seasonal trend and a matrix when the data has multiple seasonal trends, with each column corresponding to one seasonal trend. The number of rows in ST matches the length of the input vector.

    R — Remainder

    Remainder, returned as a vector with the same length as the input vector.

    D — Trends
    table | timetable

    Trends, returned as a table or timetable when the input data is a table or timetable. D contains the long-term trend, seasonal trends, and remainder of the decomposition as separate table variables. For multiple seasonal trends, the number of columns in the resulting variable of D matches the number of seasonal trends.


    • An additive decomposition model is appropriate for data where the seasonal variation is relatively constant throughout the time series. If the seasonal variation is proportional to the level of the time series, to use an additive decomposition model, use a log transformation on the data before the decomposition.

    Alternative Functionality

    Live Editor Task

    You can use trenddecomp functionality interactively by adding the Find and Remove Trends task to a live script.

    Find trends in data - MATLAB trenddecomp (4)


    [1] Golyandina, Nina, and Anatoly Zhigljavsky. Singular Spectrum Analysis for Time Series. SpringerBriefs in Statistics. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013.

    [2] Cleveland, R.B., W.S. Cleveland, J.E. McRae, and I. Terpenning. “STL: A Seasonal-Trend Decomposition Procedure Based on Loess.” Journal of Official Statistics 6 (1990): 3–73.

    Version History

    Introduced in R2021b

    See Also


    • detrend | smoothdata

    Live Editor Tasks

    • Find and Remove Trends

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    Run the command by entering it in the MATLAB Command Window. Web browsers do not support MATLAB commands.

    Find trends in data - MATLAB trenddecomp (5)

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    Find trends in data - MATLAB trenddecomp (2024)


    How do you find the trend in data in MATLAB? ›

    LT = trenddecomp( A ) finds trends in a vector of data using singular spectrum analysis (SSA), which assumes an additive decomposition of the data such that A = LT+ST+R . In this decomposition, LT is the long-term trend in the data, ST is the seasonal, or oscillatory, trend (or trends), and R is the remainder.

    How to determine trends in data? ›

    Create visual representations of the data, such as line charts, bar graphs, or scatter plots. Visualization helps in identifying visual patterns and trends in the data. If dealing with time-based data, conduct a time series analysis to explore patterns over different time intervals.

    How do you find and remove trends in MATLAB? ›

    Open the Task. To add the Find and Remove Trends task to a live script in the MATLAB Editor: On the Live Editor tab, select Task > Find and Remove Trends. In a code block in the script, type a relevant keyword, such as find , remove , detrend , trenddecomp , stl , or ssa .

    What is decomposition of time series in MATLAB? ›

    Time series decomposition involves separating a time series into several distinct components. In most cases, time series are decomposed into three components: T t — Deterministic, nonseasonal secular trend component. Usually, this component is a linear trend, but higher-degree polynomials are possible.

    How do you find the trend of something? ›

    With that, here are some actionable ways to find high quality trends before they go mainstream.
    1. Use a Trend Spotting Website. ...
    2. Strategically Track Social Media. ...
    3. Pay For Access to Industry Leaders. ...
    4. Track Competitor Movements. ...
    5. Analyze Customer Data.
    Jan 9, 2024

    How to use trendline in MATLAB? ›

    Select the chart. Go to the Design tab up at the top. Click Add Chart Element on the left. Select Trendline.

    How to remove trends in data? ›

    To eliminate the nonlinear trend, fit a low-order polynomial to the signal and subtract it. In this case, the polynomial is of order 6. Plot the two new signals. The trends have been effectively removed.

    How to use detrend function in MATLAB? ›

    data_d = detrend( data ) computes and subtracts the mean value from each time-domain signal in data . The iddata objects data_d and data each contain input and output data originating from SISO, MIMO, or multiexperiment datasets. data_d = detrend( data , Type ) subtracts the trend you specify in Type .

    How to check data types in MATLAB? ›

    tf = isa( A , dataType ) returns 1 ( true ) if A has the data type specified by dataType . Otherwise, it returns 0 ( false ). The input argument A can have any data type. If A is an object, then isa returns 1 if dataType is either the class of A or a superclass of A .

    What is the decomposition method in Matlab? ›

    dA = decomposition( A ) returns a decomposition of matrix A that you can use to solve linear systems more efficiently. The decomposition type is automatically chosen based on the properties of the input matrix. dA = decomposition( A , type ) specifies the type of decomposition to perform.

    How do you decompose time series data? ›

    In addition to additive and multiplicative decomposition, another powerful method for decomposing time series data is Seasonal-Trend decomposition using LOESS (STL). we can use this method when we find the time series has complex seasonal patterns.

    How to remove seasonality from data in Matlab? ›

    Seasonal Adjustment Process
    1. Obtain a first estimate of the trend component, T ^ t , using a moving average or parametric trend estimate.
    2. Detrend the original series. ...
    3. Apply a seasonal filter to the detrended series, x t , to obtain an estimate of the seasonal component, S ^ t . ...
    4. Deseasonalize the original series.

    How do you show a trend graph? ›

    Add a trend or moving average line to a chart
    1. Select a chart.
    2. Select the + to the top right of the chart.
    3. Select Trendline. ...
    4. In the Add Trendline dialog box, select any data series options you want, and click OK.

    How do you find anomalies in data in MATLAB? ›

    tf = isanomaly( LOFObj , Tbl ) finds anomalies in the table Tbl using the LocalOutlierFactor object LOFObj and returns the logical array tf , whose elements are true when an anomaly is detected in the corresponding row of Tbl . You must use this syntax if you create LOFObj by passing a table to the lof function.

    How to find strcmp in MATLAB? ›

    tf = strcmp( s1,s2 ) compares s1 and s2 and returns 1 ( true ) if the two are identical and 0 ( false ) otherwise. Text is considered identical if the size and content of each are the same. The return result tf is of data type logical .

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